Terms & Conditions

Usage policy and conditions

Usage policy

and conditions

These Terms of Use (“conditions”) establish the rules that affect the users that visit gusta.studio (“website”). The website is dedicated to individuals, entrepreneurs, and companies interested in knowing the services offered by Gusta Studio S.L. (“Gusta”). You can contact them through email hola@gusta.studio.

For more information regarding the holders of the website, you can find the section ‘General information data’ at the end of this page.

Use of the Website

The visitor who accesses the website will perform a correct use of it and its contents; according to these conditions and current regulations.

Personal data protection

The Personal Data collected on this Website are treated according to the Privacy Policy. Do not hesitate to access the Privacy Policy to know your rights and confirm the compliance of this website and its owner of the Organic Law 15/1999 on Protection of Personal Data that develops it from May 25, 2018, of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Regulation of Data Protection of the European Union), as well as of the Organic Law that adapts the aforementioned Regulation (EU).


In any case, the website is not responsible for the information provided by independent third parties. Neither is responsible for the websites owned by Advertiser Companies if any.

Links policy to gusta.studio

According to the common usage of the internet and social networks, the owners allow users to share the links to this website as long as this activity is carried out non-profit; and according to the rules of good use, good faith and good habits accepted in a general way for internet users and current legislation. In case of doubt, you can contact us at hola@gusta.studio; with the subject LINK POLICY.

Links policy to gusta.studio

According to the common usage of the internet and social networks, the owners allow users to share the links to this website as long as this activity is carried out non-profit; and according to the rules of good use, good faith and good habits accepted in a general way for internet users and current legislation. In case of doubt, you can contact us at hola@gusta.studio; with the subject LINK POLICY.

However, the fact that the website is shared in profiles or pages of third parties does not imply that the owners have any relationship of trust with them and, therefore, is not responsible for the content of third parties.

The owners reserve the right to demand the deletion of the link shared by a third party if one of the previous terms is not met.

Responsibilities of the user

We want to highlight the user’s commitment to not carry out any abusive act that has the goal of causing any damage and/or provokes the saturation of the website; so that it can not be used as is supposed to be used.

On the other hand, the owners are not responsible for the damages that the action of third parties may cause in the user (nor in their software or hardware). For example, and without intending to be exhaustive, we refer to the introduction of viruses or any other type of malware; to attacks on computer systems; or the incidents related to data connectivity. In any case, once detected the incidence or malicious action of third parties, the holders undertake to mitigate and/or eliminate the risk or threat as soon as possible; with the intention of affecting the least possible number of users.

Concerning the content, currently, the website does not host third-party information. If this happens in the future, the user is entirely responsible for the use made of this information and must take into account the existence of legislation regarding the Protection of Personal Data and Intellectual Property; as well as any other current regulations.

In no case, the holders are liable for damages and/or damages that may be caused to third parties due to the inappropriate use of the users of the website.

On the other hand, if the owners detect that the user does not comply with the conditions or any other applicable regulation, the owners reserve the right to restrict, suspend and/or block the user’s access to the website; adopting for that purpose the technical measures that they consider necessary.

Finally, if the owners suffer any loss or damage due to the activity of a user, the latter must be responsible for the compensation established by the Courts for this purpose.

Performance of the website

The owners make an effort to make the web available and accessible. For this, they try to avoid as many errors as possible and, if they arise, they will try to repair them as soon as possible. In this way, the intention is to keep the contents of the web updated. However, the owners can not guarantee the availability and continuity in the access to the website, nor the absence of errors in their contents; as well as the fact that the latter are timely updated.

Changes in the website

The content, configuration and/or design of the website may be modified at any time, without prior notice. However, if the conditions applicable to each user are substantially modified, these changes would be communicated on the same website (by the date of the last update, at the end of this Terms of Service page).

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All intellectual property rights, designs, databases, underlying computer programs (including source codes), as well as the different elements that make up the website (texts, graphics, photographs, videos, sound recordings, color combinations, etc.) [“Contents”]; as well as its structure, selection and order, are the property of the owners or their licensors, if any. Concerning the distinctive signs included in the web (trademarks and trade names), they are the property of the owners or their licensors.

The use of the website by the user does not imply the transfer of any intellectual and/or industrial property rights over the website and its contents.

It is prohibited to reproduce, transform, distribute, make available, extract and/or any other form of diffusion not expressly authorized of the website, its contents and/or the distinctive signs of the holders.

Any use of content contrary to these conditions could lead to the initiation of legal actions if necessary; as well as the claim of the responsibilities that are considered pertinent.

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

These conditions are mainly adapted to Spanish law, and European regulations; and they should be interpreted based on it.

Disputes that may arise between the owners and users of the website will be resolved in the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia; except in matters of consumer protection, where the domicile of the latter shall govern.

General Information Data

The owner of this website is Gusta Studio S.L., acting under the commercial name of Gusta.

Postal address: Calle Pintor Gisbert 4, bajo dcha, 46006, Valencia, Spain.

Contact: hola@gusta.studio

Last update: June 3, 2022

White letter G in a blue circle
White letter G in a blue circle
